Scheduled to hit the newsstands on May 5, Rolling Stone has designed its 30th anniversary cover in 3-D. The editors say they're doing it to celebrate their 1,000th issue, but could that be all?
With the rise of the Internet, we all know very well how dependent a lot of us have become on it, even for the simplest of tasks. And the Internet is mighty appealing -- especially the free stuff!
But is it possible that a magazine like Rolling Stone could be hanging on by a thread?
In all honesty, I applaud them for their efforts to "stir things up" and try to get more people to buy their magazine. I really hope they get enough people to buy it, after all they've invested in this new, special edition cover.
The only other thing I can suggest is that they keep doing what they're doing, especially with their website. Keep improving it, keep working with it. By the looks of things, the magazine's website may be all that's left a few years from now.
Adam Raymond @ Tue, 04/25/2006 - 11:57pm
Rolling Stone should be holding on for dear life. I can't remember when that magazine was ever relevant. Perhaps that's because they haven't been in my lifetime. It can bust out all the 3-D covers and other strange marketing campaigns it wants, but until it gets its finger back on the pulse, it will continue to stink to high heaven.