We all have the distinct privilege to take part and shape the next generation of media. There is a level of flux and change taking place right now that there hasn't been since television was introduced over 50 years ago. It's truly an exciting time to be a journalist. It is also an incredibly unstable situation, but this instability allows for innovation.
I think we will continue to see a shift toward user-selected content. This is evident in technologies like TiVo, mobile web, RSS and, of course, blogs and vlogs. Blogs and vlogs are especially significant for journalists, as they open up the hallowed halls of journalism to anyone and everyone. I truly see a future full of citizen journalism.
I am very excited to see where all of this will lead. I look forward to the future and the ability to truly influence world events from my laptop. The future is bright and it is ours.
Ivan Pereira @ Wed, 04/26/2006 - 11:15am
Yes, truly the class and the blog were valuable experiences. Like the professor always says, "Journalists today have to wear many hats," and this hat, digital journalism, will be a neccessity for all reporters.