VH1 has recently launched a new idea for a television show called HushHush that would showcase A-list entertainment bloggers talking about pop culture with the same attitude and tone found on their own individual websites, according to Jossip.
While VH1 might think they are helping bloggers broaden their celebrity, many, like those behind Jossip, are turning down the opportunity to be on the show. These bloggers feel like VH1 just wants to capitalize on the large audience that their blogs bring in, and will benefit from the free publicity that these blogs will generate if their writers are selected to be on the show.
As many bloggers continue to shun the idea of becoming part of VH1’s lowest common dominator programming (although I have to admit, if this show turns out to be anything like VH1’s Best Week Ever I will watch it just as religiously), in reality it actually legitimizes blogging as an important and effective medium, and brings blogs one step closer to becoming mainstream—whether bloggers like it or not.
For a copy of the VH1’s pitch letter for the show, click here.
Bianca Posterli @ Tue, 02/06/2007 - 11:50am
I think it's interesting how they refuse to go on a show specifically for bloggers, but they'll comment on shows like Best Week Ever. I know Trent from Pink is the New Blog has been on that show...and according to his blog he was excited about it. And David (from Jossip) and Trent will do video interviews for Code.tv with Suchin Pak...