C-Span - The Black Channel

Media personality, Tavis Smiley, was the moderator today at the panel on "State of Black America." Perhaps one of the only channels that covered this panel was C-Span. C-Span is a rare media outlet, especially among the cable and network news stations. If you want complete coverage of a Senate hearing or the likes, C-Span is your channel. But if C-Span disappeared where would panels like the one mentioned above that focus so directly on black culture find coverage. Essentially, there are few broadcast outlets that are giving large coverage to blacks, and on the whole minority groups. One comment from Tavis Smiley highlighted the point that media outlets generate news and information fro their specific viewers. UPN was the unofficial black station and gave voice to black comedy, drama, etc. The station knew its viewers and so catered to them. Thus it seems logical that outlets recognize their audience and understand their needs, even the minority.


A group blog exploring our media world. Produced by the Digital Journalism: Blogging course at New York University, Spring 2007.

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