What's Anna Nicole Smith's Daughter's Name?

Most often referred to as simply "Anna Nicole Smith's daughter," who's her daddy really?

Dannielynn Hope Stern? Dannielynn Hope Marshall? Dannielynn Hope Von Anhalt? Dannielynn Hope Birkhead?

With all four men bidding for fatherhood of Dannielynn, I'm surprised that one of the contestants, Howard K. Stern, has custody of her child now.

While People Magazine and ABC news have been informative with the coverage celebrity news blogs haven't been as kind.

As previously mentioned in the blog post titled "Abashing Anna" user-generated sites depict incidents of digital vandalism or defamation. While most honest news sources admit Smith was an out of control character, sites such as Perez Hilton's and The Superficial go out of their way to insult her.

I'm curious as to what Dannielynn will read about her mother's passing once she grows up.


A group blog exploring our media world. Produced by the Digital Journalism: Blogging course at New York University, Spring 2007.

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