FOX Blows the Lid Off the Blogosphere!

Yes, you heard it here first (or to be more accurate, it was here when I found it.)

It's Out There premieres this Sunday at 10:30, right after a brand new episode of The 1/2 Hour News Hour (that wasn't avaliable for review and not supposed to air for a week)

But the new show claims "[w]e'll examine John Edwards' virtual campaign HQ and break down how candidates are using networking sites like Facebook and MySpace to reach young voters."

People use this "internet" to "discuss things," you say? Incredible! Oh, wait, we knew that for a while. I guess they're trying to sweeten the deal with Michelle Malkin and Kirsten Powers .

Is it me, or is Fox News just really late when getting to things like a World Wide Web or that they're not funny .

(via Wonkette)


A group blog exploring our media world. Produced by the Digital Journalism: Blogging course at New York University, Spring 2007.

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