As widely reported, Jennifer Aniston & Co. have sued gossip blogger Perez Hilton over topless photos taken from "The Break Up." Consequently, she is slowly but surely showing the world why Brad dumped her.
At first I was Team Aniston. Jennifer & Brad's fairy tale marriage ended abruptly because of a blood thirsty home wrecker who was younger and more beautiful. This is every female's nightmare.
But as Aniston's 'pity-me-because-I'm-the-girl-next-door-and-if-this-can-happen-to-me-it-will-happen-to-you' PR slant grew tired, the public, including Perez Hilton, switched sides.
It's pretty easy to see why:
Jolie makes a difference with her fame and fortune. She has single handedly made charity cool and put refugees and the UN on the map. While Jolie was saving the world, Aniston was busy throwing pity parties on countless TV shows and magazine covers.
It's no secret Aniston's publicist and Perez hate each other and he checks Perez's site all the time. This case is simply a personal feud escalating into the legal system: Perez hates "Maniston" and has the influence of over 5 million unique visitors a day, whereas Aniston's publicist is using a copyright technicality to stop Perez's negative PR campaign.
Either way Perez wins. He gets his name in the mainstream media, he makes more money off of advertising, and Aniston is slated as the celebrity that sues bloggers.
Jolie has never sued over the countless nude images of her floating around the Internet. She's too busy with Brad to be taking on pink haired bloggers.
Ben Parsons @ Sun, 02/25/2007 - 11:22am
I admire Jolie's philanthropy, but there's also this.