Two kid-centric media giants, Disney and Nickelodeon, have recently launched new online interactive social networks that target the 14-and-under crowd with games and customization — and placate parents with secure, kid-safe chat functions. Nicktropolis and Disney Xtreme Digital allow kids to set up a profile, where they can store video clips, chat with friends, play games or fiddle with loads of other interactive content.
Think of them as a MySpace for kids. There have always been kid-centered websites, these two are really the first attempt to model Internet-based social networking for children in early elementary school.
"These prepare (kids) for services like MySpace, wikis (online collaborative sites) and blogs," Buckleitner says, "the same tools that are becoming part of the workforce and culture in general."
Nicktropolis (obviously the cooler of the two) is going to be running in conjunction with Nick's new dayparts program, the Internet fueled Me:TV, which airs weekdays from 5-7PM. The show takes content from the site and airs it on TV.
It's interesting that kids' networks are the first to really embrace user generated content to air on TV. I think this is a great way to get kids to learn about social networking and generating unique content on the Internet, but the key here is safety. It sounds like both brands have gone to great lengths to make sure that these cyber playrooms stay kid-friendly. But I still don't quite understand what is preventing someone from signing on under a fake profile. They're both still sort of at the test stage, so I guess we'll have to see how they pan out.
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