I'm All Joost Up

As YouTube continues with its various legal battles, we’ve all been wondering what new system will legally replace it. Well, Joost might be this device. Much like how iTunes came around to legally sell us the music we’d be stealing for years, Joost may legally give us the TV shows and movies we missed the first time around. But unlike the iTunes store, Joost is advertising-supported, and by that I mean free.

Joost was created by Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis, the genius minds behind Kazaa and Skype. And, based on the huge success and my own personal use of both those programs, I’m so ready for Joost.

Joost has a distribution deal with Viacom, which means MTV and Paramount Pictures will supply content to the site. Now a distribution deal with JumpTV may also interest those who are fans of international television.

I never fell for the iTunes store. But I’m into this idea of both legal and free. So if Joost is going to offer me free MTV, then bring it on. In fact, I’m so into this idea that I already applied to be a beta tester here. If anything pans out with that, I’ll let you all know how it goes.


A group blog exploring our media world. Produced by the Digital Journalism: Blogging course at New York University, Spring 2007.

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