According to the BBC, you may be at risk for a serious addiction. No, seriously, you potentially could be a gadget addict. Hey, you may even be one right now and not even realize it.
Are you one of those people who spends “more time using their technology than spending it in socialising or in family time?” Do you have “impaired decision making processes?” How about spatial disorientation? Are you frequently running into doorways and getting in car accidents?
A gadget addiction has potentially life-threatening consequences and should be treated at first signs of addiction. Beware gateway gadgets like cell phones and iPods. They could lead to harder, more complex and time-consuming gadgets like Blackberrys.
At risk gadgets addicts are usually young urban professionals, successful, organized, and otherwise addiction-free.
A gadget addiction that is left untreated could possible lead to empty bank accounts, or possibly even a “tech overload.”
Whitney M Dipollina @ Mon, 03/05/2007 - 3:02am
It's funny that the BBC ran an article like this, because I certainly don't see something similar being written in any New York publication. As each day passes, it seems more and more acceptable to log a previously unheard of amount of hours on one's gadgets. To me, this addiction doesn't exist in the city because no one thinks it's a problem. Gadget overuse constitutes not only a common, but a welcome form of behavior.