It seems like the only thing Second Life is good for is wacky ledes--and, you know, discussion of digital and avatar rights.
Said lede from CNET's In 'Second Life,' the ring of revolution? :
I was sitting at a picnic table Thursday afternoon talking with a revolutionary who last year bombed an American Apparel store.
Ooh, hip! Edgy! Fake! Next?
I didn't think she was all that dangerous. As far as I could tell, she was just a big-time radical in the Second Life virtual world.
It's all right. She's a real radical in a fake world with fake people made out of pixels and code who pay real money (money info here) for fake land.
But there's something to this online world. Reuters has its own bureau set up inside of SL. Noted SciFi/Internet celeb Warren Ellis pens a column that examines everything from community, buying land and even having to bear arms--in a virtual world. (In theory, your avatar can't die, but may have to respawn if the server crashes.)
John Edwards set up shop there, even if it ended in grief last week.
So far, SL is a fun, wildly creative look at how the Internet can be utilized. It's the same dream future as flying cars and Rosie the Robot. Unfortunately, there are still atomic bombs, nerve gases, and did I mention the gigantic cat people who drive cars?
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