Blogs: Where All Things Fun & Quirky Converge

Bob Swanson, also known as the Singing Weatherman, is the assistant weather editor for USA Today. He also contributes to USA Today's weather blog, The Weather Guys. His two passions, music and weather, are an unusual combination that were rarely seen or heard during his six years as television weatherman -- until now.

"One surprise for me was how enjoyable blogging can be," Swanson said. "It gives me the chance to feature stories that otherwise might not make the paper or our website. It also gives me a certain level of creative freedom -- for example, my "Wednesday weather songs."

Swanson was making quirky, fun love for weather music long before he joined the blog about a year ago. Check out his album, "Do the Weather Wiggle," and his list of past performances at school, libraries and parties!

Swanson felt that USA Today's blogs further close the gap between news and audience. "Certainly, our readership will spike in the event of a major weather event such as a hurricane," he said, but the blog plans to keep their readers coming back with readers' weather photos, Q&A for everything meteorology, and so forth.


A group blog exploring our media world. Produced by the Digital Journalism: Blogging course at New York University, Spring 2007.

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