Hey, to those 2007 graduates who still don’t have a job (me included), well, there’s a great blogging position for you out there … if you qualify for it. The Huffington Post is looking for an Associate News Editor.
The question of whether one can make a career out of blogging has always been tossed around our Digital Journalism: Blogging class. I think most of us have accepted that it is possible, especially considering we have had two speakers, Peter Rojas of Engadget and Choire Sicha of Gawker, come into our class and talk about their roles on their various blogs. The Huffington Post is not, in fact, unique in hiring bloggers. The New York Times, Google, and even blogs such as Fertility Blog are hiring or have hired in the past. This large number of companies hiring bloggers just goes to show that blogging has arrived and it’s here to stay. So, dust off your resume and give The Huffington Post a try.
Anonymous (not verified) @ Fri, 03/16/2007 - 1:51pm