Paper-thin profit margins has Time Magazine editors rethinking their marketing strategies. Heralded as a news-based magazine with serious articles, Time recognizes its stagnant readership and a need to change. After cost cutting -- with jobs the first to go -- Time is revamping itself and capitalizing on the entire point of buying a magazine opposed to web browsing: big glossy pictures. Pictures galore. Not only is the company downsizing, it's also dumbsizing. More pictures, bigger pictures, simpler text, and less of it. Reuters reports that shorter stories are on their way.
Anonymous (not verified) @ Sun, 03/18/2007 - 11:36am
Can Time really get any shorter than it's gotten in the last couple of years?
Profit margins aren't actually "low," they're just falling. I wonder how the move to a Friday pub date is going to play out?