200 Million Page Views Is Not Enough

One question we constantly ask ourselves in our class is how we can make our blog an A-list blog. It seems that we know the ingredients: interesting subject matter, unique voices and proper spelling and grammar, to name a few.

But in the end, the success of a blog seems to be measured by one thing: page views. This New York Times article quotes a study that paints a pretty bleak future for any online media business (or perhaps, any future ones).

Sponsored sites would have to achieve 200 million page views per month just to compete with giants like Google. Two hundred million! I would be shocked if our blog gets 200 page views per month. Well … I’m not the site monitor, but that is just a guess.

I think that forming a conglomerate of “the little guys” will be the only way to salvage media business. Take Gawker Media, for example.

I’m no business tycoon (and, if I was, I would not be sitting here writing this post). But there just has to be another way to make online business worthwhile besides just measuring page views and raising advertising rates.


A group blog exploring our media world. Produced by the Digital Journalism: Blogging course at New York University, Spring 2007.

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