My major struggle with journalism has been sticking to my interests.
In no other field have I felt more pressure to live up to other people's standards than in news. I have found that "hard" news is often deemed as the only real news and that my topics of interest, entertainment and fashion, are deemed as superfluous and unnecessary. Because of my point of view I have repeatedly been dismissed, laughed at, and even the recipient of unprovoked tirades.
It's my nature that the more people tell me no, the more drive I have to prove them wrong. Despite all the advice (I say propaganda) people may tell young journalists, there IS a place for every point of view in this field. No story and no topic is off limits and with the advancement of cable and the internet, the opportunities for one's expression is somewhat limitless. One can start a blog (mine is named My Decolletage as a response to the "advice"I received from a journalist), report on the internet, or fight for a job at a niche cable network that devotes its time to your interests. Although hard news is the most common and promoted path for a journalist, it is definitely not the only path.
My advice for those who think outside the box is to find your passion, then your job. It is much more rewarding to fight for something you care about than simply follow the path of least resistence.
Anonymous (not verified) @ Sun, 03/25/2007 - 3:06am
Thanks for a moving informercial, Ms. Tony Robbins.