More and more, reporters are setting aside simple fact based reporting in favor of so-called “advocacy” pieces, according to this report for USA Today.
The article says that many news organizations are casting about for niche issues for its shows and anchors to focus on. Think Lou Dobbs’ rants on immigration, and NBC’s Dateline’s “To Catch a Predator.”
These issues, news organizations argue, pull audiences in and make them invested in the stories. Often, too, they can be used to make a positive difference. When NBC’s Diane Sawyer profiled eight poor New Jersey children on "20/20" in January, viewers donated over $300,000 to improve the children’s lives. Charities in the area say they also have seen an uptick in donations, which they attribute to Sawyers’ report.
But is this all really a good thing? I know I would rather have my reporting straight, and leave the advocacy and niche, message driven, pseudo-journalism to blogs.
Connie Kargbo @ Sun, 03/25/2007 - 11:02am
I agree. Journalism is of course rapidly changing, but one thing I feel should remain the same is objectivity. I want to hear all sides of a story, not an advocacy piece. I worry that with the emergence of news pundits and TV personalities, journalism is going to become a bunch of ranting and raving lunatics spewing out their "divine" opinions."