Whew! Reading about terror resurgence in Afghanistan is, like, a total drag. So it makes sense that both Time and Newsweek published cover stories on the topic all over the world—'cept the United States.
So what gems did we get in the U.S. version of the newsmags? Time cover story: “Why We Should Teach the Bible in Public School.” Newsweek cover story: Annie Leibovitz’s “My Life in Pictures.”
To put it in perspective, there’s a hugely upsetting graphic juxtaposing the different versions here.
- The European, Asian and Southern Pacific issues of Time had this cover story entitled "The Truth About Talibanistan." Now here’s the issue Americans saw.
- Eat the Press points out that Newsweek’s European, Asian and Latin American issues had this cover story -- "Losing Afghanistan: The Rise of Jihadistan" -- in October. The United States got "My Life In Pictures."
Eh. Maybe the higher ups at Newsweek and Time are totally right. All that reality stuff is way too depressing! Forget being informed—I buy news magazines to be entertained.
Connie Kargbo @ Sun, 04/01/2007 - 10:26am
The Newsweek magazine editions were on newsstands a few months ago and there was quite a controversy in the media. During my reporting class last semester, one of the groups even did a news story on the glaring differences between the cover stories in the U.S as opposed to elsewhere. I'm surprised that Time didn't get the hint and stay away from repeating the same mistakes