How suprising it is that the Miss America Pageant has been dropped again, leaving the program without a home for the second time in three years.
Country Music Television has hosted the contest since 2004, the year it was dropped by ABC after 50 years. And now, apparently, CMT has had enough as well. As far as I'm concerned the program lost anything it had going for it years ago (we'll give it the benefit of the doubt and say the program had something going for it at some point.) But the fact that the pageant had to be aired on a country music-themed network certainly says something to me. And now the Country Music Channel is even saying goodbye!
Perhaps this should be taken as a sign -- no one cares about pageants anymore. If it's not their objectification of women that keeps you from watching, it's probably the fact that it's a monotonous program that goes on for far too long featuring a bunch of girls that are, more or less, indistinguishable. And if you still don't fit into one of the two above categories, maybe you're one of the few that find beauty pageants to be a worthwhile viewing experience. In that case, with great thanks to The Donald, there's still Miss USA, Miss Universe, Miss Teen USA -- the list goes on -- to fullfill your craving for parading females. But with it's current ratings, the Miss America Pageant, it seems, could soon be a thing of the past. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
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