So, we've discussed whether Amanda Congdon is a journalist or not, but what about this ?
As Internet/Gawker Overlord Nick Denton and CNET both look at the video, the question can be summed up in three little words.
OK, maybe not just three words, but what exactly is Congdon doing here? This bit of avant-garde vlogging isn't exactly defending her ability to shill, Congdon is interviewed by her "news" alter-ego Erin Barrows (Sorry, CNET, it's not "Burroughs") who refers to her as a "journalist who broke all the rules" in the latest think piece/David Lynch wet-dream, "Journalism Wars."
Yeah, because my J-School Rulebook clearly says on Page 1, "Don't shill for people you have to report on, but do rake in the cash and attempt to make an artsy response to your nay-sayers."
But, at the same time, I respect her devil-may-care attitude to the media watchdogs. Who cares if she's shilling for "a company that saves lives?" It's her opinion, better that she run with it! Blogging's all about free love and opinions and puppy-dogs, right?
Well, no. Congdon brings up good points: Is she a reporter, and if so doesn't that mean it's better to wear "personal bias" on your sleeve rather than mock transparency? Wouldn't you rather your anchor be frank and tell you their beliefs, rather than we keep thinking they are not slanted?
Remember, kids, when you're drinking, drink Brooklyn Lager, use the Apple MacBook Pro and purchase Sony products.
Congdon may be a shill, but at least she's not claiming to be a Big J journo with a chip on her shoulder. And, also, she's pretty darn handy with the post-production.
Connie Kargbo @ Fri, 04/06/2007 - 7:27pm
I think Congdon has missed the point. Journalism strives to be fair, balanced and objective. Nobody every said that news stories would hit the objectivity nail every time. The point is that this is the ideal that one looks to. We all of course often fail to reach the ideal. The point though is, WE TRY!!!
Do I want some anchor to shell out what he/she believes? No! I don't give a rats derriere what he/she believes. A journalist’s job is not to spew out personal opinions. Their job is to report the news as fairly and objectively as possible. Yes, personal opinions are bound to emerge from news stories, but that should never be the norm.