Blogger Mark Evans writes about why newspaper blogs just don't work ... I'm not sure that I agree.
Evans says that because so many newspaper reporters blog for the paper -- not because they want to, but because they have to -- their blogs, as a result, "lack passion and enthusiasm," two critical elements for successful blogs. He goes on to claim that "many newspaper bloggers are just going through the motions" and asks: "How much energy would you put into something new if your boss said there was nothing it in for you except more work?"
I completely disagree. For one, I don't think that a new, additional task would be thrown on a reporter without any extra compensation. If that person is working the same number of hours each day and blogging, then some aspect of their old work must have been cut, and they're not doing extra work for free. And if they are spending more time on assignments, then I think it is fair to assume then compensation would be adjusted accordingly.
Secondly, I think editors understand that successful blogs are those injected with enthusiasm and passion. Wanting their blogs to be successful, I am sure that they take this into account and ask for feedback from their staff about what they would like to write about rather than assigning them randomly to a topic. In this way, the reporter gets to write about something they enjoy in a less formal format -- and I think this is something that I, as a reporter, would take on excitedly because this new outlet offers a freedom to write in a different way. I think many reporters would agree that the opportunity to blog for one's newspaper is a unique privilege to be embraced, and this new experience is enough to get them truly excited about what they're writing about.
Cristina Gonzalez @ Tue, 04/10/2007 - 3:41pm
Whitney, I agree that reporters should be excited to have a new medium of expression but I feel you may assume a lot of both editors and reporters. As far as editors, yes I would hope they would ask for staff input but ultimately I feel they will want a blog about what they, the editors, want and feel is good for the paper. After all, they have the final say. For reporters, I still think that there are a lot of people and journalists that are weary of blogging and technology. It will take many many years until blogging will be fully embraced as a welcomed and authoritative form of media. In the meantime, we are in limbo. We, as young college students, might be ready to accept new media but I think that it is still hard for others to do the same.
Ultimately, I think that blogs can work for newspapers if they give their writers the freedom to capture their individual voices, rather than worry about fitting into the standard molds of its print version.