Barry Bonds' baseball career is over. And I can't really say that I feel bad about it. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm reveling in the fact. After all, this is the guy who called a press conference just to accuse the media of ruining his life, with his teenage son sitting right next to him wearing a look of genuine sadness that he probably practiced all week to get just right. Throughout his whole career, Bonds has been the guy that places himself above the game. He's surly to the media, rarely greets fans and has a sick sense of humor.
Call me sadistic, but it's things like this that really do show the power of the media and freedom of speech. Guys like Bonds, who think themselves untouchable, always deserve to get thrown down into the fiery pits of media oblivion. It happened to Sen. McCarthy, it can happen to Barry. And, c'mon, isn't it just hilarious to know that these two skinny white guys with glasses single-handedly ended the career of one of the most disliked athletes since Ty Cobb?
Don't mess with journalists, Barry.
Dan Smith @ Wed, 03/08/2006 - 2:56pm
Your conclusion is correct, but for much different reasons.
Why is it that you think such terrible things about Bonds The Person? Why is it that Gene Wojciechowski writes today that Bonds was a jerk as a high schooler? Why is it that no athlete has been so roundly despised by the press as Bonds?
Mike Tyson is a convicted rapist. But the press loves him because he gives great soundbites.
Bonds, because of what he saw the press do to his father, has been wary of creating a relationship with the press his entire career. That makes it harder for journalists covering him, his teams, his sport, to do their jobs. They don't like things that make it harder to do their job. They've got deadlines to meet and need quotes to fill out their stories. If an athlete they need to speak to isn't speaking, they're pissed. And that shows up in their writing. It shows up in profiles. It shows up in their interviews.
And the populace reads it and takes it as their own. Nevermind that none of us has met Bonds, that whether he gives a reporter two choice quotes a game has any effect on us whatsoever. The reporter hates him, we pick up on it, and we hate him too.
That's why you don't mess with journalists. And it's something none of us, as aspiring journalists, should be proud of.