They Guard All the Gates, They Have All the Keys . . .

While reading E-Media Tidbits, I came across an interesting post about the bloggers. The post commented on Jeff Jarvis’s essay Gatekeepers v. Amateurs that says bloggers may not have the tools that professional journalists have, but they still have the ability to put the pressure on. I’m not particularly sure that the second part holds true.

The gatekeepers are getting smarter and are creating their own blogs or buying out familiar ones, and they will most likely repress anyone who questions their editing style. The problem will continue to grow because technology continues to improve blogging, i.e. video blogs , and these tools do not come cheap.

Do I think that the media will dominate the blogging world the same way it does television and print? No, the internet is too large and grows too fast for their to be another media oligopoly. But when blogs become more mainstream, it’s a sure bet that the media moguls will hunt down and find a way to control the most popular and visited sites and set up another gate for the most important and valuable information to pass through.


A group blog exploring our media world. Produced by the Digital Journalism: Blogging course at New York University, Spring 2007.

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