Crystal Smith's blog

Celebrities Adopting African Children

An African child becomes an orphan every minute or so in Africa- what about all those children? Unfortunately, most of them will remain orphans or die due to diseases, starvation, etc... Madonna and Jolie are at least doing something to help and maybe it will spark an interest for our government to do something.

Submitted by Crystal Smith on October 12, 2006 - 10:36am.

University Professor: Bush Compared to Hitler

In the conspiracy theory video given to me by the Investigate 911 group at the 9/11 memorial services this year there was a University of Wisconsin- Madison professor Kevin Barrett that supports the beliefs of the Investigate 911 group. Now, Barrett is back in the news as he is comparing Bush to Hitler. I am not surprised at this line of conversation because I have heard it many time before. What I am interested in is the fact that is writing about it. The University has agreed to let Barrett teach the course and his views as long as students are allowed to challenge them.

Submitted by Crystal Smith on October 11, 2006 - 7:29pm.

Praise for the New York Times

On Page A19 of October 4, 2006's paper of the New York Times there is an full page advertisement for an organization called Although there is no other mention about the Darfur situation on the front page of the paper I was happy to see the Times allowing space for this Ad. It features an African child crying over a makeshift grave and I think it really garners sympathy for the plight of the people of Sudan. It also shames America with the words "When all the bodies have been buried in Darfur, how will history judge us?". I really liked this Ad. It politely asks for support to urge the Bush Administration to intercede and overall I was surprised to see it.

Submitted by Crystal Smith on October 4, 2006 - 11:09pm.

Bob Woodward's Book makes claims about the Bush Administration

In reading several of the articles about the conflict of the new Bob Woodard book and the Bush administration I am confused as to why the Bush administration would immediately refute the claims in the book.

Submitted by Crystal Smith on October 3, 2006 - 9:15pm.

Where did all the embedded journalist go?

America was able to see what was going on through the eyes of "embedded journalists" who traveled with the troops and reported from the battlefields. My question is where are they now? If what they did was so captivating and necessary why don't we hear more about them now. Is it because Iraq is now free or is it because America has already achieved its purpose in having them there?

Submitted by Crystal Smith on September 27, 2006 - 6:21pm.

Losing Afghanistan? Not in America...

The media world is still a business, a corporation and it has to protect the interests of those who support it.

Submitted by Crystal Smith on September 25, 2006 - 8:13pm.

Advertising to Whom?

Readership at the New York Times is down because Americans are either watching the evening news or just simply aren't interested in the way the paper chooses to convery their stories. As a result of declining popularity, the Times is advertising. This wouldn't be such a problem however, I am confused as to who exactly they are targeting.

Submitted by Crystal Smith on September 20, 2006 - 9:15pm.

Placement of The Sudan Genocide Story

The New York Times will have a picture and feature of the Race for Breast Cancer on the front page of the paper but yet they can't include the story of why demonstrators are protesting against the killing in Sudan? Furthermore, Sudan won't let the UN in the country... do you think Iraq willing omitted America into the country? Aren't these people's lives worth fighting for?

Submitted by Crystal Smith on September 18, 2006 - 7:50pm.

Lonely Girl15

Recently, on myspace and youtube websites videos have been launched of a girl named Bree which has its fans questioning the whether the video itself is another creative marketing ploy of a big studio advertising for a movie or TV show.

Submitted by Crystal Smith on September 13, 2006 - 10:59pm.

Voice of the 9/11 Protestors

After spending the morning of September 11th, 2006 at Ground Zero for the memorial services I wondered extensively about the impact that the "Investigate 911" protestors had on the event. I have my own theories as to why they were there and even the appropriateness of their presence considering it was a day of mourning for the dead and not politics.

Submitted by Crystal Smith on September 13, 2006 - 4:36pm.
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