Please, Think of the Celebrities
As if we didn’t get enough of Jessica Simpson’s personal life and her “chicken of the sea” wisdom from her reality show, we will soon have another glimpse into her life with a new wireless phone service, BlogStar.
As if we didn’t get enough of Jessica Simpson’s personal life and her “chicken of the sea” wisdom from her reality show, we will soon have another glimpse into her life with a new wireless phone service, BlogStar.
The Reuters website will soon include blogs alongside news articles. The blog entries will come from Global Voices Online, an international blog network coordinated by Harvard University.
MySpace is to hire Microsoft’s director of Consumer Security Outreach & Child Safe Computing next month, in response to the recent controversy surrounding the site and child safety.
Bob Baker has the right idea. So did George Orwell in Politics and the English Language. They both recognize that some writers aren’t even thinking about the words they write anymore.
As more and more well-known, established journalists start their own blogs, it seems as though the career path also goes in the other direction. According to an article in Newsday, blogging is merely a stepping stone to a more traditional media outlet--for many journalists.
Now that practically every print publication is on the internet, it seems the next trend in online media is targeting network television. NBC’s “The Office” will be airing 10 web exclusive episodes this summer.
Normally, I’m pretty indifferent towards the Academy Awards. But this year, I really couldn’t care less.
Just two months ago, David Lehre, 21, was an aspiring filmmaker and completely unknown. Now, thanks to MySpace, the networking site that has exploded in popularity with people ages 15-29 since its debut just two years ago, Lehre’s film career has gotten a surreal jumpstart.
The other day I saw a commercial for Pontiac. The commercial told customers to google “Pontiac” and to browse their site before heading to the dealership. It’s nice to see that companies are catching on to the generation that loves to do as much shopping online as possible.
Every now and then, I like to indulge in my girlie side. I grab my bottle of nail polish in “Rouge Diva,” my copy of Vogue, and set my iPod to the appropriate music: No Doubt, Alanis Morissette, Fiona Apple.
A group blog exploring our media world. Produced by the Digital Journalism: Blogging course at New York University, Spring 2007.
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