A "friend" of mine figured out how to connect her laptop to one of the many wireless networks her laptop detected.
Is this illegal? Laws vary within the U.S. and around the world. But for the most part, logging and colleting information, like surfing the web or checking email, from wireless networks that are accessble to anyone with a receiver is OK. The act of wardriving is searching for wireless networks by a moving vehicle. Wardrivers log and collect information from the wireless access points (WAP) they find while driving (Wikipedia.com). Think radio airwaves: as long as you have a radio, listening to a radio station broadcasting where you're driving is free (at least in the US).
But when you're using a WAP to gain access to computer on a network, things get hairy. Benjamin Smith III was arrested and charged with unauthorized access to a computer network, which is a 3rd degree felony in Florida. The owner of the network saw Smith in a car outside his house with his laptop twice and called the cops.
So what's the moral of the story? Secure your network.
Maybe if corporations weren't in such a hurry to release this technology and thought about it more thoroughly, they wouldn't have to deal with security breaches and creating superior protection for their own systems.
I recommend checking out chroniclesofawardriver.com. Blogger, Israel Torres shares his daily adventures as a hardcore wardriver, as well as offers insight and information about the phenomenon.
Travis Carter @ Sat, 02/04/2006 - 6:58pm
This makes you think--perhaps at some point the Internet will be free like AM and FM radio. With wireless networks set up, and the ability to access them with the correct software, are people really going to keep paying. Granted, information is not as secure as when transferred through actually hardware. Given time, this will change I think. And I think that this would be a very big phenomena around college campuses if students did not receive free Internet access through the dorms. Look at what students have done when given the ability to get free music. I know my girlfriend and her roommate stopped paying for Internet because they were able to get if for free through detecting wireless networks being used closeby. Perhaps the days for actually paying to just access the Internet are numbered.