We all know that with each generation comes more and more knowledge and interest in technology. My dad still questions his ability to use our stereo at home. My 8-year-old cousin has an iPod. The 3-year-old I babysit can use a computer pretty well. The recent issue of Time Magazine features a special on kids' use of technology and the negative effects it has on them.
Everyone multitasks constantly already, and the experts cited in the article believe it will only get worse and make people more isolated. I completely agree. I feel like the notion of "too much technology" does exist. Too much exists to the point where no one can go anywhere with out their cell phone, blackberry, etc., and kids don't want to play outside anymore because they're too busy playing the latest game for Xbox. I don't know how it will necessarily effect academic performance, but it will definitely affect social skills, exercise levels,and vision. Why not just take a break from all the technology and spend the day outside for a change?
Ivan Pereira @ Wed, 03/22/2006 - 12:14pm
Correct me if I'm wrong but the main idea of your post seems to be that younger generations are more lazy and inactive thanks to growing technology. I don't this is true.
Yes children are getting more obese but as far as the social aspect is concerned tehcnology is not turning younger people into drones. Last time I checked people still like to go out and hang with their friends and family than play online Halo 2 -- no offense to Halo gamers. The fact of the matter is that technology may change the way we interact others, but as long as we have the psychological need to socialize no piece of technology will overdose society.