Who Wants a Flava Flav Clock?

Hopefully I'll be able to buy one soon on StarStyle, a website that sells items from TV shows like Real World and Project Runway. From clothing to furniture to pretty much anything else, customers can search the site by products, characters, or shows and see the items related to the search.

Although it sounds pretty cool, unless I was dying for a one-of-a-kind item like a dress from Project Runway, I think the site should also offer the places where you can purchase the same products. Just because I liked a couch from Flava Flav's mansion doesn't mean I want the one he sat on... one can only imagine what's happened on it. But the clock? I'd love a clock.


A group blog exploring our media world. Produced by the Digital Journalism: Blogging course at New York University, Spring 2007.

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