The Latest Reality Stars

Tonight, the latest in reality television is debuting on TLC. Honey We're Killing the Kids examines the bad eating habits of children and families across the country. It's complete with the nutritional expert, so-called "hyper and unruly" kids, and even simulations and images of what the kids could be like as adults should the continue their bad habits. But is it really going to do anything new or say what hasn't yet been said?

We all know that Americans are overweight. We've read Fast Food Nation, seen Super Size Me and have seen countless news stories about it. The rest of the world thinks that we subsit on a diet of fast food because of it. It's gotten to the point where people are trying to justify obesity as a positive thing

Now, this does seem to be a more honorable endeavor than, say, Flavor of Love or The Swan. I highly doubt it's going to make an impact on the weight of anyone but those on the show. The Biggest Loser and Celebrity Fit Club are already around, and as far as I know they haven't impacted society. So although it's a nice effort, Honey, We're Killing the Kids seems like just another way to get your 15 minutes.

Jacqueline Colozzi @ Tue, 04/11/2006 - 5:23pm

At least there is some goal in airing this show. I haven't seen any of the recent reality TV shows, but don't they usually have some sort of competition for money or attempt to portray either B-list celebrities or normal (e.g. upper middle class/upper class white people) getting coffee and making plans?

Julia Song @ Tue, 04/11/2006 - 6:12pm

I'm not sure if this show will have an impact on the society, either. But I think it is unique, and maybe good, in a sense that the show is about the kids, and fixing their habits rather than simply playing with their weights. I'm not familiar with this new show, but having a nutritionist may be a good thing-- maybe they are taking it more seriously than some other shows.

Tracy Steel @ Tue, 04/11/2006 - 11:28pm

Honestly, I don't think this show is quite that ambitious with its intentions. When it comes down to it, TV shows are looking to attract audiences for high ratings, even if that means exploiting the disgusting eating habits of American children.


A group blog exploring our media world. Produced by the Digital Journalism: Blogging course at New York University, Spring 2007.

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