These days, you can go on the Internet and find a blog about Africa, or turn on your TV and find the BBC. Yet, China has prohibited TV and radio stations from using international news coverage from foreign news sources. China’s State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) says that the international content offered so far has a political intent and that is why the content has been banned.
In my opinon, most news has an intent –- and that is to inform. However, news will never be unbiased. Although one of the major tenets of journalism is to be objective, a writer is a human being. Even word choices like anti-abortion vs. pro-life give different impressions and cause politically correct mayhem. But the worst thing to do would be to limit a reader’s news sources. A reader has to see various point of views before making an informed one of his own. In 1949, simplified script was officially adopted by the People's Republic of China to increase literacy. To give the tools for learning but not the material to do so just undermines the whole attempt.
Julia Song @ Mon, 04/17/2006 - 11:18am
I think this can even backfire. People will want to know the news, and they will get it from other sources like the Internet even if the government banns it from television and radio stations.
I agree with you that news is not objective. But I'm confused-- how the simplified script is related to banning foreign news?