The CIA fired an officer for allegedly leaking information to the Washington Post after she failed a polygraph test. The paper published a story which “did significant damage to relationships between the U.S. and allied intelligence agencies.”
Submitted by
Tracy Wong on Sun, 04/23/2006 - 4:45pm.
Submitted by
Tracy Wong on Mon, 04/17/2006 - 12:04am.
The blog-obsessed will no longer have to type in multiple URLs. LexisNexis is incorporating blogs into its databases in a venture with Newstex.
Submitted by
Tracy Wong on Sun, 04/09/2006 - 8:28pm.
One advantage the print newspaper has over the online publication is its portability, but that’s about to change. Belgian newspaper DeTijd is going digital with a device called the iLiad eReader from iRex Technologies.
Submitted by
Tracy Wong on Sun, 04/02/2006 - 5:34pm.
Google, the little search engine that could, has joined the lobbying in-crowd. It’s hungry for international conquest and, like Yahoo and Microsoft, it won’t let something like a little red tape thwart its plans.
Submitted by
Tracy Wong on Tue, 03/28/2006 - 5:22pm.
William Bastone metamorphosized before my eyes. “Never shy away from doing something because someone might be upset about it in the operation,” he said.
Submitted by
Tracy Wong on Wed, 03/22/2006 - 6:09pm.
A recent poll by NY1 and Newsday showed that Eliot Spitzer was far ahead of his competition in the race for governor.
Submitted by
Tracy Wong on Wed, 03/22/2006 - 5:24pm.
Jen Chung, editor and co-founder of told me she wanted the news blog to make readers feel like they were living in New York. It has a broad scope and tackles topics that range from city crimes to a Project Runway drinking game.
Submitted by
Tracy Wong on Wed, 03/08/2006 - 5:58pm.
I was reading the newest issue of Rolling Stone and discovered Hasidic reggae sensation Matisyashu, whose single “King Without a Crown” is an MTV hit.
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Tracy Wong on Tue, 02/28/2006 - 1:20pm.
Since when does staged competition make for better television than actual competition? I was reading a New York Post article about dismal ratings for NBC’s Olympics coverage compared to other TV shows.
Submitted by
Tracy Wong on Tue, 02/21/2006 - 1:11pm.
Nothing makes me happier than a new song from L’Arc~en~Ciel, the Asian band with a French name. Sure, I don’t know a wit of Japanese and I used to pronounce escargot as es-car-GOT, but it seems music bridges international borders as well as language borders.
Submitted by
Tracy Wong on Tue, 02/07/2006 - 3:18pm.
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