General Interest is a Myth

Jen Chung, editor and co-founder of told me she wanted the news blog to make readers feel like they were living in New York. It has a broad scope and tackles topics that range from city crimes to a Project Runway drinking game. But can blogs encompass a place as diverse as a city?

I’ve lived my whole life in New York City, and let me tell you, Harlem is not Chinatown. All commercial enterprises want a niche audience –- it makes advertisers happy and that means cash for your business. Since most internet users are already a niche audience according to this article, I’m skeptical about how well general-interest media will do in the future. In fact, I think most media starts off general and develops a niche as it settles in, whether or not that can happen by luck is debatable. In all, general-interest may as well be a myth.


A group blog exploring our media world. Produced by the Digital Journalism: Blogging course at New York University, Spring 2007.

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