Blogging Delivered

You’ve probably seen them, on bus stops, billboards, web ads --pretty much everywhere. Attempting to catch the eye of the consumer, AT&T has released its new multi-billion dollar marketing plan.

Starting New Year’s, AT&T began plastering the country with its new "lime green" campaign. It simply states: Blogging Delivered. What does that mean?! I went to AT&T’s website to find out. The plan is for its new website, which basically is a blog aggregation site.

I’m not sure what gives AT&T the idea that they can “deliver” blogs to the world. For a medium that can still be considered in its infancy, it’s fairly well established. Blogs are out there, and most people don’t need help finding them. I don’t want to downplay what AT&T can deliver, but I think it’s interesting, and not necessarily wise, how they are focusing their new “look” solely on the blogosphere.

Jacqueline Colozzi @ Tue, 04/18/2006 - 12:12am

>> Blogs are out there, and most people don’t need help finding them.

I don't know about that. As a whole people are becoming more adept at surfing the web and usually stumble upon their favorite blogs by accident. But that's the problem for the blogger--how to get read. Not to mention--the more blogs out there, the harder it is to sift through them. So AT&T is picking up on a problem on both ends.

Christine Caro @ Tue, 04/18/2006 - 10:11pm

I too had seen the ads around and wondered just what on earth they were for (although I always forgot to look them up once I got home). It all just seems a little vague and weird to me. How do they actually choose the "top" blogs and bloggers that are featured on the site? What exactly does it mean to subscribe to the site? I think that it is a helpful idea, but it probably needs to be developed more. As Jacqueline said, most people I know have kind of stumbled upon the blogs that they read, so it would help to have some sort of directory of them, but AT&T's new project needs to be expanded a bit more and cover more ground before it can serve as a helpful site.


A group blog exploring our media world. Produced by the Digital Journalism: Blogging course at New York University, Spring 2007.

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