Tabloids Can't Keep Up With Blogs

Coverage of Anna Nicole Smith’s sudden death has been all over the gossip blogs, newspapers, and broadcast news, but the tabloids are missing out. And that doesn’t make them very happy.

According to Jossip, an Us Weekly insider said, "They don't have any idea what the angle is going to be so far. It's too late to break the news in the magazine, so now they need a fresh angle ... and every time they think they come up with something, they see the headline already broke on TMZ."

Even though it’s kind of sick to think about them being mad that she died on a day inconvenient for them, it brings up a good point – tabloids aren’t able to get the scoop as well as they used to because of all of the blogs. Anyone who reads celebrity gossip blogs will undoubtedly know everything there is to know about Anna Nicole Smith’s death by the time the next issue of Us Weekly comes out. By the end of the day, even a newspaper is outdated. With blogs and other online media outlets constantly updating, how can print media ever keep up?


A group blog exploring our media world. Produced by the Digital Journalism: Blogging course at New York University, Spring 2007.

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