Craigslist Is Not Worried About Competition -- Why Should It Be?

In the era of the blogosphere, many people turn to the Internet instead of newspapers to find information they need-- whatever it may be. Craigslist offers an excellent source to find just about everything, from apartments and roommates to different services or even jobs. I myself have used it many times, once to sell my mini-fridge and another to find a moving service provider. Many friends of mine have also found their new homes through Craigslist.

In the midst of all this success, it looks like Craigslist is about to face new competition, as companies like Google, Microsoft, and News Corp.’s MySpace launch their own versions of online services. But CEO of Craigslist Jim Buckmaster doesn’t seem too worried, and I don’t think he should be either. The laid back approach of Craigslist, as the article describes, is what I like the most about the website. It’s not commercial! The site feels like a community bulletin board moved online, like the one in a local church where people post their announcements with thumbtacks. They are not obsessed with making money, and you are simply invited to use their service. It has no annoying ads or pop-ups, you just type in and find what you need, and you are done. It’s so simple that even people like me who are computer challenged can use it without difficulty. I’m glad Craigslist isn’t trying to win this competition, and next time I need to find a catering service for my house party, I’ll be heading to Craigslist.


A group blog exploring our media world. Produced by the Digital Journalism: Blogging course at New York University, Spring 2007.

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