Over the past few months, we've talked extensively about digital media taking over traditional media. But while I certainly agree that digital media will replace newspapers eventually, I’m not so convinced that it will replace magazines.
- The format of a newspaper translates much easier to online than magazines. The front page of The New York Times isn’t all that different from the online version. But the online versions of magazines hardly look anything like the print edition.
- The way newspapers are used versus magazines also makes a difference. Most people don’t actually read the whole newspaper every day; they skim the headlines and maybe read a few articles or sections of interest. This is even easier online because you get all of the headlines all at once and can just click on whatever seems interesting. When I get a new magazine, I read it cover to cover before I’m done with it, devouring every article and column.
- Newspapers are disposable. I don’t know about anyone else, but I definitely have a few magazines from 10 years ago in my house. I don’t know anyone who keeps newspapers that long, unless, of course, they’re being used to protect fragile items in packing.
- Magazines are beautiful products that can’t fully translate online. The layout of each page makes it eye-appealing and even the ads are beautiful. The few websites I’ve seen that basically have a magazine online that you can “flip” through, the software almost always has problems or is really slow. Plus, who wants to sit in front of a computer for that long? I like taking magazines on the subway, the gym, whatever.
So while online media is certainly thriving and could even take over newpapers in the next few years, I think it will take a lot more effort for it to replace magazines. People don't buy magazines for the news, they buy them for entertainment and to read about things they're interested in. They're more like books than like magazines, and online books aren't exactly a success.
Bianca Posterli @ Sun, 04/29/2007 - 3:32pm
Oh Kristen, you're a girl after my own heart. There's just something about those glossy pages...
I know exactly what you mean about keeping magazines. I have a huge stack in my room from this year alone and piles at my parent's house. I just can't bring myself to throw them away.