Unschooling is a radical branch of home-schooling where kids control what and when they learn -- free of teachers, schedules and tests. Unschoolers say it's intellectually empowering. Critics call it irresponsible.
By Sarah Karnasiewicz. Originally published in Salon.com, October 3, 2005.
Illinois doesn’t directly fund sex ed in schools. But it does provide almost the entire budget of the Glenview-based Project Reality, whose abstinence-only curriculum, offered to schools for free, misleads kids about birth control and STDs.
By Kate Hawley. Originally published in the Chicago Reader.
A new book argues that children desperately need to be able to play in the woods -- and that our culture's sterile rejection of nature is harming them in body and soul.
By Sarah Karnasiewicz. Originally published in Salon.com.
News: Assigned to cover the 2004 Democratic primary, Matt Taibbi found there was nothing to cover. So he fell back on his own resources. Oh, and drugs.
By Janelle Nanos. Originally published in Mother Jones.
Free Web sites offer up Social Security numbers, divorce agreements,
mortgage papers and more to anyone seeking a peek.
By Aleksandra Todorova. Originally published in SmartMoney.com
A string of lawsuits and a fierce debate over its digital library project have turned Google into a symbol of cultural imperialism in France. Is it all mere coincidence, or does the land of "liberte, egalite, fraternite" have it in for the company whose mission is so decidedly global?
By Scott Lamb. Originally published in Der Spiegel magazine.
The United States is betting the future of energy lies in the hard-to-reach Caspian Sea. With the $3.6 billion pipeline about to open it remains to be seen if the investment will show a return.
By Candace Rondeaux. Originally published in the St. Petersburg Times.
Stretched to the breaking point in Iraq, the U.S. Army desperately needs troops, but finding fresh meat has never been harder. Inside the military’s new recruitment machine.
By Ian Daly. Originally published in Details.