"The ethnic restaurant is one of the few places where the native and the immigrant interact substantively in our society."
By Matthew Fishbane. Originally published in The New York Times, January 13, 2007
What does the Modern Love column tell us about contemporary Judaism?
By Eryn Loeb. Originally published in the Nextbook, November 30, 2007.
Why the concept of justice - not freedom, not democracy - is becoming a potent tool for political reform in the Muslim world
By Shahan Mufti. Originally published in The Boston Globe, October 28, 2007.
“We’re waiting for the young people to come and take over.”
By Erica Westly. Originally published in The New York Times, October 28, 2007
After eight years in exile, former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto's return was greeted with twin bomb blasts late Thursday.
By Shahan Mufti. Originally published in The Christian Science Monitor, October 19, 2007.
A "Colombian idol"-style search transformed a humble farmer into the 21st century version of TV's coffee icon. Meet the man behind the mule.
By Matthew Fishbane. Originally published in Salon.com, October 16, 2007.
For all its seventh-generation beauty—and the game is gorgeous—Sigma plays like an arcade game, as if its life depends on killing our quarters.
By Ray Huling. Originally published in The Brooklyn Rail, October 2007.
Jonathan Kozol, author of "Letters to a Young Teacher," talks with Salon about why No Child Left Behind squelches learning and about reading Rilke's sonnets to first graders.
By Matthew Fishbane. Originally published in Salon.com, August 30, 2007.
After nations carve up the fast-melting region, will there be anything left?
By Erica Westly. Originally published in Discover, August 30, 2007.
Trapped between frightening civil war memories of their native country and an alien society in nearby Ghana, refugees linger for years in the Buduburam permanent settlement camp.
By Rollo Romig. Originally published in Worldpress.org, August 21, 2007.
Religious scholar Javed Ahmad Ghamidi has become a popular figure in Pakistan for his strict reading of the Koran -- which, he says, dictates against gender discrimination, terrorist jihad, and other favorites of modern Islamists
By Shahan Mufti. Originally published in The Boston Globe, July 22, 2007.
The Minor Leagues of Professional Video Gaming
By Ray Huling. Originally published in The Brooklyn Rail, July/August 2007.
I’m standing in Williamsburg’s Black & White Gallery with a portable radio in my hands and a pair of headphones fit snugly in my ears.
By John MacDonald. Originally published in The Brooklyn Rail, July/August 2007.
Thai restaurants are a dime a dozen, but 30 years after Pol Pot, Khmer cuisine is still hard to find in the U.S. Why hasn't it become the next big thing?
By Matthew Fishbane. Originally published in Salon.com, June 26, 2007.
Marlo Donald was kicked off Social Security for kicking someone almost 20 years ago. The bizarre tale of a "fugitive felon."
By Freda Moon. Originally published in the New Haven Advocate, April 26, 2007.
"Trees are great for a variety of reasons, but how do you explain that to the Office of Management and Budget?"
By David K. Randall. Originally published in The New York Times, April 18, 2007
One thing Sambath Suen can’t abide is the cold. Until four years ago, Suen lived in Kandal, a Cambodian province that borders on Vietnam.
By Matthew Fishbane. Originally published in Mr. Beller's Neighborhood, December 31, 2006.
Making schools safer is part of push to improve literacy.
By Ruthie Ackerman. Originally published in The San Francisco Chronicle, March 16, 2007
In war-torn Afghanistan, Zamarai Kamgar has built the only private airline.
By Megha Bahree. Originally published in Forbes, February 26, 2007
Two mosques, two sects, face each other across Atlantic Avenue. Given
global tensions, the natural questions arise.
By Shomial Ahmad. Originally published in The New York Times, January 14, 2007
There's more than magical realism in the literature of this beautiful and still very dangerous country.
By Matthew Fishbane. Originally published in Salon.com, January 17, 2007.