The kingdom of the geeks, thriving in an old factory in Downtown Brooklyn.
By Ben Popper . Originally published in, December, 2008
The Human Resources Administration isn't interested in measures that officials and advocates are proposing.
By Matt Schwarzfeld . Originally published in, December, 2008
A Queens woman's eye-witness account of something a little out of the ordinary on her morning commute: a bull running down Atlantic Avenue.
By Matt Schwarzfeld . Originally published in, November, 2008
A conversation with Scott Gold, blogger and author of the meat lover's manifesto, The Shameless Carnivore.
By Justine Sterling. Originally published in, October, 2008
A New York City entrepreneur is selling water from his city's municipal pipes -- and he's counting on green consumers to buy it.
By Robynne Boyd. Originally published in, October 27, 2008
Numbers showing the city's AIDS epidemic rages on worse than thought arrived in tandem with state cuts for AIDS-fighting measures. In a climate with plenty of needs and ever fewer resources, this is the first in an ongoing series looking at reduced social services funding.
By Alexander Imparato Cotton. Originally published in, October 20, 2008
The inner-circle of beer geeks is moving beyond anything on offer in stores to brews less easily acquired, and more rare. They’re learning, like the most dedicated oenophile, that patience is a virtue.
By Justine Sterling. Originally published in, September 23, 2008
The wind blowing through LaBelle, Florida was soft and warm. Large,
billowy clouds hung above Mark Dalton's 10-acre field, dappling it
with shadows.
By Robynne Boyd. Originally published in Earth Island Journal , Summer, 2008
When I heard that GQ editor Mickey Rapkin was writing a book about college a cappella, I was thrilled.
By Nina Shen Rastogi. Originally published in , July 15, 2008
The Rockaway Peninsula's tortured development history enters its latest chapter, with ill-fated spec buildings disintegrating next to successful new housing development, and a rezoning belatedly attempting to instill order.
By Matt Schwarzfeld. Originally published in, June 9, 2008
The human brain is complex. Along with performing millions of mundane acts, it composes concertos, issues manifestos and comes up with elegant solutions to equations.
By Robynne Boyd. Originally published in Scientific American online, February 7, 2008
American voters are not the only ones taking a closer look at the field of contenders for the presidency.
By Charly Wilder. Originally published in, March 7, 2008
Buddhist monks and other Tibetans began protesting in and around Lhasa on March 10, the anniversary of a major uprising against Chinese rule.
By Nina Shen Rastogi. Originally published in Slate, March 28, 2008
As a young girl growing up on a California vineyard, I passed the long summers outdoors, and when I wasn't catching lizards or squeezing grapes into fizzy water in order to make "wine spritzers", I was foraging.
By Justine Sterling. Originally published in Saveur, April, 2008
Zachary Westcott knows that he should get tested for HIV. As a 27-year-old sex worker who serves both women and men, he is especially at risk. But the lines at clinics are long and the staff can be callous, so he tends to put it off.
By Alex Cotton. Originally published in Gay City News, April 17, 2008
The kids are moving back home in Brooklyn—because they need to (and they want to!). But what about when they start families of their own? Or when the boyfriend wants to sleep over?
By Benjamin Popper. Originally published in The New York Observer, March 25, 2008
On a wintry Wednesday afternoon, thousands discovered that New York City Ballet principal dancer Maria Kowroski wears flared purple legwarmers.
By Margaret Fuhrer. Originally published in The Brooklyn Rail, April, 2008
Public historian Richard Rabinowitz prefers the storytelling of history to lecturing on its particulars.
By Conor Friedersdorf. Originally published in The Brooklyn Rail, February, 2008