AM New York online editor Diane Goldie is gutting the paper's website, merging it with print content, and making every editor responsible for managing web material. Her goal: "Make it seamless. We want to push people back and forth from the web to the paper."
Most kids just like to sit and watch. They don't like to play when it comes to Web 2.0, says Reuters.
Print magazines are going digital. Digital magazines are mimicking pint. The meeting ground isn't too far off.
Sam Sifton, culture editor at the New York Times, says that becoming an effective critic takes experience and the backing of a reputable institution.
Robert Rodriguez, in an interview by Wired, explains the process of making the new double-feature, Grindhouse.
David Fischer, editor of, answers some questions about his blog.
The crew over at Highsnobiety, “one of the most read urban fashion and sneaker websites on the internet,” branded their own kind of on-site reporting this season at the Magic trade show in Las Vegas.
PBS has put together a very concise collection of articles outlining the future of media, with a focus on news. Part three of the series asks, “Can anyone predict the future for news and in-depth reporting?”
“Why does have an Entourage blog? Because I was crazy enough to come up with the idea and the bosses decided to take a shot with me on it. Last August, more than 60,000 people read it. That's crazy.”
Tonight was round two of our classroom interviews. Choire Sicha sat down with us; he’s the “Managing Editor” of Gawker, but he doesn’t really like the title. After an 18 month hiatus, Sicha returned to the position after writing for the New York Observer.
The war on Iraq and Google's "master plan" have been brilliantly summarized by UK artists. Google could be Orwell's worst nightmare.
Internet hotspots (You Tube, MySpace, etc) are becoming catalogs of history, media, and art. In other words: one stop inspiration by cultural iconography from all ages.
Designer Takashi Matsumoto is redefining how digital content is received and viewed by infusing non-traditional objects with digital interactivity. The result? We’re ditching the box.
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