Are blogs already becoming a trend of the past? Vlogs appear to be becoming more and more popular, especially since SNL's Lazy Sunday short video spoof that featured comedians Chris Parnell and Andy Samberg rapping about eating cupcakes and catching the matinee of "Chronicles of Narnia."
Nothing makes me happier than a new song from L’Arc~en~Ciel, the Asian band with a French name. Sure, I don’t know a wit of Japanese and I used to pronounce escargot as es-car-GOT, but it seems music bridges international borders as well as language borders.
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Tracy Wong on Tue, 02/07/2006 - 3:18pm.
The technology has changed our patterns of communications so much that there have been many researches to study the effects of this new technology on our communications and social interactions.
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Julia Song on Tue, 02/07/2006 - 1:24pm.
The internet can be seen as a gathering place of information, but at the same time how much of what we find is actually true? To add to that, what's stopping people from taking the false information and spreading it because they believe it was real?
Remember that little claymation man from Saturday Night Live? Mr. Bill? Today he snuck himself onto the front page of the Business Day section of the New York Times. “Oh No, It’s the Web,” he proclaimed. That got my attention, now to read on.
Napster can’t be to blame. After all, how did Sean Fanning know what he was getting into when he attached his moniker to a slick little piece of software? Filesharing has been the topic du jour since this millennium started, and there’s no end in sight –- but it arguably has changed the way music does business.
Throughout my entire career at NYU I have listened to how the media is “liberal” and “left.” And through my Bias in the News Media class, this area was hardly discussed, leaving me with the question: Is there really hard evidence out there to prove this assertion?
A "friend" of mine figured out how to connect her laptop to one of the many wireless networks her laptop detected. Is this illegal? Laws vary within the U.S. and around the world.
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Leslie on Sat, 02/04/2006 - 4:14pm.
According to Wikipedia, Thomas Jefferson chose not to publicly give his State of the Union address because he felt that it was too monarchial. After watching last Thursday's address, I am starting to agree with him.
When I launched my media news aggregation site I Want Media nearly six years ago, the word blog didn't exist, to my knowledge. Today, blogs seem ascendant and unstoppable.
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