Anyone Else Craving Some Visual Stimulation?
Our blog's emphasis is obviously on the text--and it is certainly improving--but does anyone else find themselves a little overwhelmed looking at a homogenious page of titles and excerpts?
Our blog's emphasis is obviously on the text--and it is certainly improving--but does anyone else find themselves a little overwhelmed looking at a homogenious page of titles and excerpts?
This past Tuesday, French lawmakers passed legislation requiring companies to produce digital music files compatible with any digital music operating device.
There’s a new contender in the arena to challenge Internet giant Google. It’s a Jersey City-based company called That’s right, like the Lion King song Hakuna Matata -- don’t worry, be happy.
William Bastone metamorphosized before my eyes. “Never shy away from doing something because someone might be upset about it in the operation,” he said.
A recent poll by NY1 and Newsday showed that Eliot Spitzer was far ahead of his competition in the race for governor.
Arianna Huffington screwed up. She knows it, George Clooney knows it, the blogosphere knows it, and now, the nation.
Fox 5 evening news just aired a segment about Gawker Stalker, a part of Gawker where celebrity sightings are posted. But these posts aren’t like the ones you read in People magazine a week or two after they’ve occurred.
Hopefully I'll be able to buy one soon on StarStyle, a website that sells items from TV shows like Real World and Project Runway.
We all know that with each generation comes more and more knowledge and interest in technology. My dad still questions his ability to use our stereo at home. My 8-year-old cousin has an iPod.
If Jon Stewart is the Walter Cronkite of the ever-expanding world of fake news, then Stephen Colbert is the Bill O’Reilly.
Perhaps you've heard of AMD's 50X15 project. The goal is to have half of the world's population on the Internet by the year 2015.
Ah, the world of search engines, the best way to surf the web in your own privacy. But now, in order to enforce The Children Online Protection Act, the government is out to find out what people are searching for with Google.
Yesterday’s New York Times contained a fascinating article on the preservation and revival of early 1900s pop music, thanks to the wonders of the web.
Many newspapers are beginning to electronically publish their stock pages in an effort to cut costs. The Rocky Mountain News is one of the most aggressive among them, moving nearly all its financial listings online with the exception of one page of finance.
My father once gave me two important pieces of business advice: 1. Don't do business with friends or you'll end up with no business or no friends, and 2. Never put anything in print that you wouldn't want other people to read.
Curiouser and curiouser are certain tactics that our beloved Commander-in-Chief employs. Now this may not be a huge deal after all. They apologized for it this time. But hey, maybe it is a big deal.
This Thursday, CBS began streaming live telecasts of March Madness (the NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Championship tournament for those of you who didn’t fill out brackets) free of charge on the Web.
Looks do matter, especially when you are playing catch-up. As a sports fan I check up on at least several times a day, but I have become increasingly upset about some of its content choices recently.
Here's an interesting website. In 2002, a man named Russ Kick started a site called The Memory Hole -- dedicated to "rescuing knowledge and freeing information."
Now that practically every print publication is on the internet, it seems the next trend in online media is targeting network television. NBC’s “The Office” will be airing 10 web exclusive episodes this summer.
A group blog exploring our media world. Produced by the Digital Journalism: Blogging course at New York University, Spring 2007.
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